Hello :) Thought I would be a better host this time. I made us some french press coffee and some Pumpkin Squares. I know it's a little early in the year for pumpkin treats, but I couldn't resist. Grab a fork and dig in. I'm still not done with the kitchen, but wanted to show you some pictures. I'm still looking for some odds and ends to pull it together. I invited my friend Karon over to give me some ideas on decorating. She helped me realize less is more and more is sometimes just more. Karon also helped me focus on the look I wanted for my kitchen. After she left I uncluttered my kitchen cabinets. Seriously did I really need 4 sets of spindles for hand mixers I don't have any more? My sister Jenni (Genevie) is now the proud owner of said spindles. I had to keep reminding myself that I was going for a vintage look and not modern. It is so easy to get off track. My kitchen is nothing fancy or great, but so far I love how it looks. I like the color I chose (turquoise sea). It's going to take time for my husband to get used to the color,but just like the red he will get used to the turquoise. Let's take a look :)

I've decided I love paint! It's inexpensive, comes in a zillion colors and can change something from drab to eye catching. If you don't like the color you can paint another over it.

The wire basket was white before I painted it cherry red. I got the handkerchief idea from my friend Karon. A couple of years ago my daughter Holly , Sarah and myself re grouted the counter tops. It was very inexpensive, easy and looked 100 times better after we were done.

Look on top of the fridge. Do you see my fancy cake holder? My cakes are gonna travel in style from now on. It was only $6 from an estate sale! It's in great condition.

My "new" utensil holder. Should I paint it cherry red or a brighter yellow? I sure enjoyed having you over to see my newly painted kitchen. Like I said I still have some odds and ends I need to buy, but for now I'm loving it. I also repainted the dining area, but forgot to take before pics. Bad blogger. I hope you have enjoyed your visit. I want to thank everyone of you for being so sweet and encouraging. Thank you Karon for helping me focus. You are a treasured friend. Until next time :)