Hello :) I have been wanting to repaint my kitchen for about five months, but was unsure of what I wanted. I knew I wanted to add a vintage look to my kitchen. Lately I've been buying baking dishes, bowls, kitchen towels and utensils at estate sales. Just can't be stopped. I love bringing home these wonderful treasures. So I emailed my good friend Karon (so many wonderful ideas swimming around in her head) and asked her for some ideas. She is my go to girl when it comes to vintage :). I keep telling her she needs a blog. So many women would benefit from her creativity. Let's take a look at the before!
My sister Genevie (aka Jenni and second oldest), my daughter Holly and I painted the cabinets about six years ago. They were a dark wood finish. As you can see it is time for a change.
I'm sure I was supposed to be a better host and clean up before I invited you all to see my kitchen, but I don't think it's necessary if you are doing a before and after. Right? :) See the Giada De Laurentiis cook book (has a cooking show on tv) on the refrigerator? My sister Jenni gave it to me for Christmas. She stood in line at her book signing in LA, CA (in high heels, walked a mile, because there was no nearby parking and stood in line forever) and had it signed for me! Very special gift :)
I know many of you have noticed the cook books on the stove. I just put them there for a sec. I know one should never leave flammable items on the stove. I was taught this rule and the roll up your sleeves before you cook rule (as to not catch them on fire) in elementary school. I always thought whats the big deal and like the stove is just gonna turn its self on jeez (second grade attitude)! One day last summer there was a short in our stoves wiring and fire came through the knobs (turned its self on)!A couple years ago my sister Jenni was cooking and not following the roll up your sleeves rule. Yes, her sleeve caught on fire! She was not hurt:) Both of these incidents taught me valuable lessons. Turns out my teacher knew what she was talking about. After all as kids didn't we really know it all :)
This wall was being shy. Therefore I was unable to get a good picture to show it's true color . It was green when I moved in. You can see a little of the back yard.
The cabinet doors kept falling off so I put up a curtain. I'll be putting up a new rod and new curtain. Hmmm what color fabric should I buy ?
Let the games begin! I am so ready. First the primer. I'll be back soon to give you the finished version. Is anyone else making over their kitchen or have any websites or blogs I can visit to get some ideas on vintage kitchens? I'd love to know. Have a great day and until next time.