Hello! Can't believe I'm writing my first post:) I am so excited to be joining the blog world. As you know there are so many wonderfully gifted, giving, sweet and funny ladies out there. I have learned so many things from all of the blogs I visit. One day after baking a Chocolate Chip Banana Bunt Cake I started to position it for pictures to post on my blog. While shopping I found myself taking pictures to share with you. While thrift/antique shopping I would say to myself so and so from this blog would love that or so and so could do wonders with that. I began to pick things out for giveaways! You could say I was bitten by the blog world and was so hooked. The fact that I didn't have a blog posed a problem. So here I am:) What do I have to offer? I don't really know. I'm just gonna fly by the seat of my pants and post what catches my fancy:) I'm celebrating my first post with a GIVEAWAY!
GIVEAWAY ! I had the best time shopping the thrift /antique shops for these special little goodies. Here we have a glass tea cup and saucer and a "gold" tea spoon with a rose handle design and a pretty floral hankie.
Here's a closer look for you :)
Green metal tray with Gardenia print.

Bad picture of a half apron I made special for my giveaway.
Come on take a closer look at the apron. Included are old tea spoons and recipe cards.
Notice a couple more little goodies on the tray? A little bird house and tea spoon rest. *
I am so looking forward to many more post and getting to know all who stop for a visit. Leave me a post and I will enter you in the draw. I will draw the winner on June 26th. Before I sign off I must thank a few people. Thank you Rue (ruespeanutbutterandjellylife) for reaching out to me via email and for the encourgement and when asked offered great advice about posting:) You can't imagine my surprise when I got that email from you. You made my day. Thank you Holly (daughter #1) for your encouragement and all of your help in putting my pics together and for being excited along with me. Thank you Aleah (daughter #2) for being excited for me and I know you would have helped if you lived closer. Thank you Sarah ( daughter # 3) for helping me figure out how to post and drag pics and for your encouragement. I have three boys (Billy, Aneel and Ayden) that know I am blogging and listen, talk to me and smile. Thanks boys! Last but not least a big THANK YOU to my husband (Bill) who let's me be me and encourages me daily:)